Thursday, June 5, 2014

Something to Say with A Dozen Thoughts

I needed an Anniversary card for a friend the other day and decided to play with my Beautifully Baroque embossing folder.  I thought I'd try both sides of the folder to see which way looks best and I have to say, I think they both look pretty good.  You should be able to click on the pictures to make them bigger to see for yourself.
Can you see the difference?  Which one do you prefer?

The outside sentiment is from A Dozen Thoughts (w-131056 / c-131059) and the inside sentiments are from Something to Say (w-134177 / c-134180) and Teeny Tiny Wishes (w-128748 / c- 127802).

The ribbon is retired, but you can use any ribbon that goes with your color scheme or just  your favorite ribbon or twine.

Thank you for looking in today!

For your convenience, just click on any of the pictures below and you can shop online:


  1. I keep trying to post but my phone keeps interrupting!!

    I can NEVER decide on my own cards which I prefer, embossed or debossed! It's such a hard call every single time! Love the card both ways :-)

  2. Thanks Danita! Glad you finally got through with your interrupting phone! LOL


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