Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Are You My Mummy?

Time for more of these awesome Curvy Keepsake boxes!  I'm sure you've seen them everywhere, I know I have and I fell in love with Franky and his Mummy!

Franky is made with Old Olive, Basic Black and Whisper White.  Do you notice how his nose looks familiarly like the open space in the handle?  Well, you would be correct to say they are exactly the same!  Use up all those pieces!

His Mummy is made from Very Vanilla, Basic Black and sponged with Memento ink.

I can't wait to play with more ideas that can come from this Curvy Keepsake Box Framelit. 

Thank you for stopping in today!  I hope these cuties inspire you to try your hand at making some.  Leave me a comment if you do, I'd love to hear from you!
~ Donna 

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