Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gorgeous Grunge Strikes Again

I've been needing some multi-purpose cards to have around that are ready to stamp with a sentiment in a moments' notice, so here is what I came up with.

Gorgeous Grunge strikes again!

Using Flower Shop and Petite Petals along with their punches, these cards came together very quickly and can be used for just about any occasion when I'm in a pinch for a special card.

The card can even be turned up portrait style instead of landscape for a little change up.

Add some pretty sequins to match the In-Colors and you have the perfect little bit of bling!

Thank you for stopping in today to check out my blog.  It's Friday EVE and the weekend is almost here!  If you see anything here you'd like to add to your stamping stash, just click on the picture below and you will be shopping in my store in no time at all!

~ Donna

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