Sunday, February 22, 2015

Artisan Embellishment Projects

Yesterday, a group of friends and I participated in Diana Gibbs' Spring Fling.  We all had a good time and enjoyed crafting together.  It is really nice to be on the crafting side instead of the designing side!  Next week I get craft again with my awesome team at Lorri Heiling's Spring Extravaganza. 

In the first two cards here, we used the Artisan Embellishment Kit from the Occasions Catalog (pg. 27, item 137909).  For this card we used the adorable rose stencil as is.  The other side is white, but I chose to use the Sahara Sand side.  I thought it was beautiful with the pink background.  We added half of a doily and the beautiful roses from the kit on the side.


For the 2nd card, we used the stencil as a stencil and with a Sponge Dauber we dabbed on the Rose Coral Chalk Ink.  I really like the way the chalk in looks.  It has a nice soft look to it.  I may have to try the other two colors (Aquamarine and Yellow Citrus) as well, although, I have to say, my preference is the Rose Coral.

Well, this girl has had a very long day (fyi - I write this the night before and generally post at midnight, so technically, it's still Saturday!).  On top of stamping and crafting all day (so stressful... LOL) after I returned home we had a neighborhood Chili Cookoff and Movie Night at the neighbor's house on the street behind us.  It was fun, but I'm whooped!

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a Blessed Sunday!

~ Donna


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  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Now I'm going into a shopping frenzy. If it weren't so late I'd be on the phone calling you. I've been lusting after hat Artisan Kit since I laid eyes on it, especially because of those rose stencils (?). I thought they were die cuts and I've searched everywhere looking for a die like that ~ I'm in LUUUUV with it. Okay, more precisely...obsessed with it. But if I can use it as a stencil, well then, maybe that can hole me over until SU comes out with a die..

  2. Good grief. I look back over my comments and am appalled at my typos. I wish I had taken typing in school....sigh...

    1. I know what you mean I LOVE that stencil - died already for us cut. LOL It looks good as a stencil - ours came out so pretty!

      How did you escape typing in school??? We had the OLD black manual typewriters and the IBM Selectric's. It was fine to start the year with the manual, but if you ended with it your speed dropped terribly and your fingers all felt broken! LOL


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