Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Billy's Birthday Bash Card

Last night my birthday boy and I went out to dinner to celebrate his birthday.  It is always so nice to get together with my boys on their birthday and have time to just visit.  We met at Oregano's for dinner and the food was excellent as always!  We had a good waiter, but goodness, he checked on us way too much, it became a little annoying, but at least it's better than them just disappearing and forgetting about you!

One of Billy's early jobs was as a bartender and of course he and his friends enjoy getting together and enjoying beverages, so of course, I thought of this sentiment for his card.  He LOVED it!  I think this was the first card he actually expressed an enthusiastic reaction to.  I think he got it too!  It sure made me happy!

Of course, the inside included CASH!  That always gets a good reaction, right?   Thankfully the reaction was to the front of the card, so the bribe - er, I mean gift inside was additional to the card reaction.  LOL

Thank you for looking in today.  Tomorrow I'll share a beautiful card I made after dinner with Billy.  I cased the idea but made a few little changes.  I think you'll like it as much as I do!
Have a great day!
~ Donna
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  1. I'm glad he's finally beginning to appreciate Mom's talent! Wish him a happy belated birthday from me please. You raised a couple of great young men <3

    1. I will be sure to send him your birthday wishes! Tomorrow is Robert's birthday, so I better get crafting! LOL


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