Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Goodwill Find!

I love going to the Goodwill Thrift shops around Phoenix.  You never know what you're going to find!  This weekend I found the perfect portable work station for stamping and watching t.v. with the Hubs.  I like being able to stamp and craft while we watch our favorite shows, but a t.v. tray just isn't strong enough for stamping and certainly not enough room for all the tools we use to craft.

So I've been hoping to find a sturdy table of some kind, preferably with wheels and shelves to hold everything I need and be comfortable to sit at from my rocking chair.  I know, sounds impossible, right?

Well, I found it!  It actually looks almost exactly like the t.v. stand we have now, except not nearly as pretty, but oh boy, it works perfectly.  It has wheels, so I can load it up in my dining (crafting) room and wheel it into the family room.

The back side is completely open and room for my knees without bumping them on anything.

The VERY best thing... I got it for $4.99 - yup... four dollars and ninety-nine cents!  Is that great or what?


It perfectly holds my Stampin' Trimmer, my Stampin' Score and all the tools I want to get to without having them stacked up on top.  I used it to make my swaps for our next teem meeting and it worked out perfectly!

What special storage or stamping helpers do you have?  I'd love to hear about them!

Happy Hump Day!  I love short weeks!

~ Donna


  1. Donna, What a great find and Idea. Now I'll have to go do some shopping for something that could work for me in my family room while I watch TV. Thanks for sharing. Glenda J

    1. Happy Hunting Glenda! If you're like me, you come out of there with more than you intended to! But the hunt is always so much fun!

  2. Congrats Donna! I can't craft anywhere in the house but my craft room. Weird huh? I think it's my husband ~ he bugs me too much for me to feel creative, lol. I recently got 2 great old veggie bins/chicken coop-looking things with lots of cubbies that I'm labeling with magnetic tape that I just love. I hung one on either side of my sewing desk. I'll have to send you a pic one of these days. My granddaughter laughs at my labels ~ one says "thingies", one says "do-hickies", one says "crap", etc., and they change all the time. Works for me!

    1. I'd love to see a picture! Yeah, my hubby bugs me too when I craft and watch t.v., but it's better than getting up every 10 minutes to come "see something" on t.v. LOL


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