Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tip Day Tuesday

Before I start today's post, I must say Happy Birthday to my son, Billy who turns 33 today!  How did that happen??  LOL  Happy Birthday Son!  I'm so proud of the man you've become!

Now, on to Tip Day Tuesday!  This is one that I wish I would have thought of sooner - now you can benefit from it . . .

When working with thinlits, I like to put a little of our Multipurpose Liquid Glue on the back and let it set up a bit before adhering it to the project.  This keeps the glue from oozing out.  My tip to you is, when you set it aside to set up, set it out of the way, like AWAY from your arms...

. . . before this happens to you!  Thankfully it came off easily and nearly painlessly.  Ha!

After that, I placed the sticky words up higher than my arm and away from any other tragedy! 

Now, on to the card.  I just love making these cards with the word thinlits.  They turn out so nice.  You may be wondering though, where did I find the word "thank"?  It is actually "thanks" and I cut off the "s".  Perfect!


Thank you for stopping in today.  If you like what you see, please let me know!  I love to hear comments and feedback!

Happy Tuesday - and don't forget to come back later and check out the Weekly Deals or just click on my link at the top of the blog to the weekly deals available!

~ Donna

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