Tuesday, February 24, 2015

STOP - before you use that stamp!

Did you know that there is one step you need to do to all of your stamps before you use them?
When you first open your stamps, you'll sometimes notice a bit of film residue or dust from the manufacturing process.  If you stamp immediately onto your ink pad and then onto your paper, you will find that you won't have a great image.
I tell all my new stampers and remind my regular stampers to always clean your brand new stamps before using them.  Now, don't run off to the kitchen sink, we don't want to clean them that way (although, you might find yourself cleaning your Photopolymer stamps that way in time).
Just clean your stamps with our Stampin' Scrub (126200) and Stampin' Mist (102394).

This not only cleans off the residue and makes your stamps ready for perfect stamping, but it also helps to condition your stamps.  Just the other day I used a stamp that hadn't been used in a long time, one of my old favorites (from my pre-SU days) that I have out on display and it was in need of some moisture.  Let me tell you, the Stampin' Mist brought that baby back to life and it stamped just as good as when it was new. 
I know some girls like to lightly sand or scuff up their stamps, especially the solid ones first, but I've never been brave enough to try that!  Maybe in desperation.  LOL.

If you have a technique that you like best, please share it below in the comments.  I'd love to hear from you and what works for you.

Happy Tuesday!

~ Donna

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