Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Butterfly Basics Birthday

More Butterfly Basics Cards, this time with a happier twist.  Birthday!  I really love the font used for these stamps.  I've been playing with some calligraphy myself lately, maybe that's why I like the look of these.  Going to need a lot more work on my end, but thankfully I have the stamps!

I made these cards at the same time I made the earlier sympathy cards - click HERE to see full details - but I didn't add the sentiments until later.


Base:  Soft Suede 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored at 4 1/4"
Layer:  Soft Sky / Blushing Bride  
Top:  Very Vanilla
Butterfly:  Soft Sky / Blushing Bride

Stamps:  Butterfly Basics, Thoughts and Prayers
Ink:  Soft Suede, Sahara Sand, Soft Sky / Blushing Bride

Something I didn't share with the first set of cards was just how close Pool Party and Soft Sky are.  I couldn't believe the difference!  Which really isn't much at all.

When I stamped the Pool Party strip (below right) it was too dark for me, so I stamped it off once and it was perfect.  Still darker than I wanted it to be, but it worked.  I switched to Soft Sky and it seems so much better.

This one below is Pool Party - stamped off once.  It works much better, don't you think?

Be sure to come back later today (this posts at midnight) so you can see the Weekly Deals for this week!

Thank you for stopping by today.

~ Donna

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog


  1. Yes, Pool Party stamped off once seemed to be just about perfect. I would never have thought to try that. But that's why we have you :)

    The cards are so pretty. I love dies SO much. And the butterflies seem to work with pretty much any stamp set, don't they? I'm feeling awfully sick today but it's about to storm like crazy, the girls are in Europe, hubby is in meetings till late tonight so by golly, I'm going to craft if it kills me! If we don't lose power, it my plan just might work out!

  2. Well, this is a perfect time to craft, even without power, open the curtains and let in the light! I'm sorry you're feeling yucky today! Wish I could be down there so you aren't alone! I hate being so far away!



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