Monday, July 6, 2015

Convention Bound!

Stampin' Up! is having their last "traditional" Convention this month and guess who is finally going to attend?!  ME!!

I'm so excited to go.  I've been with Stampin' Up! since June 2010 and this is my first time to actually attend!  This is going to be so much fun, swapping, meeting other stampers and people that I've been admiring online.

So excited in fact, that I have 40 of my swaps done already and am seriously thinking of doing MORE!  Is that crazy or what?  I have no idea how many to take, so I'm kind of winging it here.  Any suggestions from Convention goers?

Here is the back of my swaps.  Aren't they beautiful?  Should I show the front or keep them a secret?  I don't know if I can keep them a secret for two more weeks!

Thank you for looking in today - even though I didn't really show much.  Tee Hee!

How about if I share a picture (and hopefully the video) of one of our rescue cats stealing some freeze dried kitty treats.  All of our cats LOVE these things.

I had a couple of extras on my t.v. tray and Kitten sniffed them out.  Her little paws came up and she held on to the table and grabbed the first one.

Here she is stealing, I mean, helping herself to the second one.  I hope this video works!  :)

We love our pets!

~ Donna


  1. So cute! I miss my fur babies! (But not enough to adopt anymore, lol)

  2. Oh sure you do... think of all those lost little sweet faces to keep you company and curl up with you when you don't feel good! ;)

    This one is a pistol, into everything, steals straws, shreds paper, anything she can. She is self-entertaining for sure!


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