Monday, February 8, 2016

A Crafty Weekend - updated

Saturday was a fun day of crafting with Diana Gibbs and Rhonda Morgan and 120 or so friends!

Those two really put a lot of thought and work into the projects.  So many in fact, I didn't get them all done!  But I loved working on them with my friends and will finish them up over the next few days.

Until then, let me share with you one that we did finish.

Book O' Cards:

This may look like a card, but it is actually the cover of a book that holds four cute cards.  Everything we made came from the Botanical Gardens products (pages 26 and 27 from the Occasions Catalog).

Before we began making any of our projects we had lots and lots and lots of flowers and leaves to die cut, but we worked as a team at our table and got them done fairly quickly.  Then all we had to do was put it together.

Inside a pocket that holds four of the cards we made, plus envelopes.

Here are the cards we made to go inside: 

Wouldn't these be a nice gift to give or receive?  I sure think so!  

If you would like measurements, just ask.  I didn't measure any of them yet for future cards, but they are all pretty easy to do and I can certainly take the measurements and share them with you if you would like them.

Thank you for looking in today.  Here's to another week ahead!

~ Donna

The instructions for the "Book" for the cards can be found here: 

She has very easy to follow directions and pictures to go with. Her book was made from 2008 and is Christmas themed, but of course you can use any paper you want.

The measurements for the DSP and Cardstock on the front is:
Cardstock - 5 3/4" x 4 1/2" outside ; 4 1/2" x 2 1/4" inside
DSP - 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" outside ; 4 1/4" x 2" inside.

I will take measurements on the cards Tuesday.  I left them at my office to show off and didn't bring them home tonight.

Thank you so much for your interest!


  1. Hi Donna - I love this project and it is generous of you to offer the measurements for it. It will be the perfect gift to give a friend. Thanks, Laura

  2. Hi Donna - sounds like you had a fun and creative weekend. I love this project! I love the book holder type deal - so fun and different. Will you tell us how to make that or point us to directions on another blog? This would make a great gift like Laura said.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  3. Donna these are so cute and colorful! Love the holder to go with them!

  4. Would LOVE the measurements for this project. Gorgeous!

  5. Hello Ladies - I'm so happy to see so many comments today - this is fabulous!

    The instructions for the "Book" for the cards can be found here:

    She has very easy to follow directions and pictures to go with. Her book was made from 2008 and is Christmas themed, but of course you can use any paper you want.

    The measurements for the DSP and Cardstock on the front is:
    Cardstock - 5 3/4" x 4 1/2" outside ; 4 1/2" x 2 1/4" inside
    DSP - 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" outside ; 4 1/4" x 2" inside.

  6. Thanks Donna, I am off to check out those instructions for the book holder. The cards go so well with the project. They say you can't judge a book by it's cover - well the cover is so pretty and a great indication of what is inside. I could see making a card like the cover one too. Just too much fun! Thanks for information!

    Chris R. from Iowa


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