Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy Healing

This is another card for our little guy who is receiving the airplane card for Valentine's Day.  Except this is for the day after Valentine's when he's having a little surgery.  Poor kid!

He's adorable though.  He was cleaning off a shelf in his room the other day and his Mom asked him what he was doing.  Keep in mind, this shelf is a shelf of honor where he keeps his Lego creations and special items.  His answer?  "Well, I'm going to be getting Get Well Cards and I need a place to put them."  Is that great or what?  So now our plan at the office is to make sure he has cards to fill his shelf!

Card Recipe:

Base - Crushed Curry (although it doesn't much look like it in the picture) - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Basic Black - 5 1/4" x 4"
It's My Party - Designer Series Paper (DSP) 5 1/8" x 3 7/8"
Basic Black (panel) - 5 1/8" x 2 1/8" (I think - I forgot to write down the measurements before giving it to the recipient's Grandmother for mailing).
Crushed Curry - 5" x 2"

I heat embossed the sentiment with White Embossing powder and cut the ends into a flag.

The sentiment is popped up with Stampin' Dimensionals.

Thank you for looking in today.

It's Super Bowl Sunday - for those of you that care... lol... I watch for the commercials myself.  I enjoy seeing what they come up with.  Oh, and Go Broncos!  (Since my Arizona Cardinals didn't make it!)

~ Donna

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  1. The Crushed Curry makes a cheery get well card. I like the sharp contrast with the black mating. I keep forgetting about embossing white on the black - it looks so sharp. I hope his surgery is pretty minor and has a good, fast, and full recovery.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris! I like the bright with the black too. White embossing is so pretty, but I find myself forgetting to do it much, simply because I always make a mess! LOL

      I think he'll do great with his surgery. He's in good hands!


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