Sunday, February 21, 2016

Celebrate with Cake - Workshop Version

You are probably tired of seeing this card... but look closer, it's different!  This one is the creation of one of my stampers, Brittney with her twist on the card.  

The outside may not look too different, but wait until you see the inside!

Ta Da!  Isn't this fabulous?  I love that she's added the balloons to the pop up!   

I just love it when my customers add their creativity to my originals.  Great Job Brittney!

Thank you for looking in today.  Be sure to look back here for the original details and measurements.

Happy Sunday - Donna


  1. Where did my comment go that I left you yesterday?

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I didn't see one Chris... But I also posted this much later than normal. Normally I write and prep the night before for midnight posting.

    2. I bet I didn't click on publish after the spam robot thing. No problem. I remember I saw the balloons and thought oh how fun that is with their strings dangling. That is really stepping it up! I still like the confetti squiggles you added. Speaking of birthday's when is yours?

      Chris R. from Iowa

    3. Oh I've done that before, Or it hit "sign out" instead of "publish". Argh! LOL

      My birthday is May 25th. :)


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