Friday, February 12, 2016

Team Swap Shares

I've spent the evening making a birthday cake and prepping for a birthday party at the office tomorrow, so even though I made a card for the birthday recipient, I didn't want her to see it - in case she checked my blog before the party!

So I wanted to share some of the swap cards I received at our Team Meeting last month.  Everyone did such a nice job!

If you missed it, you can see my Swap Card HERE.



CJ (this was the winning swap!) 



 Sue P.

Unknown... but too pretty not to share

Another unknown... :( 

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Weekend.  Plus most of us have a bonus day off on Monday for President's Day.  Wooo Hooo!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love seeing what others make. So fun. I used to be part of a local swap but they drummed me out of the group. Story for another time. We didn't pick a winner. It was just fun. Wow, you all have a bunch of talented people! Love each and every one. Thanks for sharing them with us. Enjoy the party since you did the work!

    Chris R. from Iowa


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