Sunday, March 13, 2016

Totally Awesome Workshop!

On Saturday we held our March Workshop and it was Totally Awesome!  One of the cards we made today was one that I posted on Friday.  If you missed it, you can see it HERE

So I  though you all might like to see how the cards came together.  After looking at them and taking pictures, I realized I never really gave any specific instruction what to do with the Linen Thread.  They could see the sample, of course, but here is what they came up with.

Brittney even changed up the whole card by placing her die cut on the bottom and moving the flowers to the right.  She also tied the Linen Thread across the top and attached little flowers to the ends. 

I'm not sure I see thread on Linda's but it looks great with the flower on the bottom corner.

Sue placed her thread under all the flowers by randomly stringing it along.

Mary tied across the bottom with a bow and a little flower.

Kristi's thread doesn't seem visible here, but it may be underneath.

Tina put her's across the bottom without a bow and added a bigger blue flower.

All in all, I think they all look great!  When we all started stamping together, there wasn't a lot of variety, but now, I love they are all finding their own style!

Kathy and Patti were still working on their's so I didn't get any pictures.   I'm sorry ladies!

Thank you for looking in today - have a Blessed Sunday! ~ Donna


  1. Oh this fun to see how everyone did something a little different! I can't decide on a favorite. I love looking at a card and how others make little changes. I bet you all had a fun time!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. We did have a great time. It is always such a fun day when I can stamp with my friends!


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