Monday, May 23, 2016

Always There For Me

One more of the adorable critters from Love You Lots which is a new Hostess Set. I just love this cute set and this elephant is too cute with his little mouse friend.

The Designer Series paper is Affectionately Yours has has some beautiful colors.  

No recipe tonight, not enough sleep last night, so heading to bed early.  Then... on Wednesday, I have the day off for my Birthday!  Wooo hooo!!

Thank you for looking in today - Happy Tuesday!


  1. Cute card. That paper and ribbon looks so fun to use. Wishing you lots of sleep so you are all set for your birthday celebrating tomorrow!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. Thanks Chris! I just need to not stay up so late at night. I get a second wind around 9 p.m. and end up awake too late.

    Looking forward to tomorrow!


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