Monday, May 23, 2016

Thinking of You

This is going to get a lot of use in my card making year ahead!  I see me stamping and coloring a lot of these.  Don't you just love the way the pillows "puff" up.  Such a fun technique to do.  To see how I did this in a previous post with balloons, click HERE.

For this one I wanted a tree in the background so I pulled out Sheltering Tree and inked up the leaves with Pear Pizzazz and then randomly tapped my Old Olive ink pad onto the leaves as well.  I made a mask to go over the swing so that I didn't over stamp onto the swing with the trunk or leaves.

I used a thin line of our Multipurpose Liquid Glue to attach the Linen Thread.  Just hold it in place for a few seconds and it sticks perfectly.


Flirty Flamingo - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Soft Suede - 5 1/4" x 4"
Shimmery White - 5 1/8" x 3 7/8"
Stamps - Sitting Here, Sheltering Tree

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a great week... I know I will!   ~ Donna

Product List


  1. Sweet card! Teddy, the basset hound loves laying on the porch. I wonder if he would like a swing. Yours looks so comfy with the pillows all puffed and fluffed up! The plant looks good as well as the tree for a cute little picture. Add some iced tea or lemonade as well as the new SU catalog in hand and I could swing all day! Definitely a "Wishing you were here" type card. Great coloring on this card. Hopefully your week won't be so hectic as last weeks.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. Thank you Chris! I would love to be sitting on that swing working on my wish list. It was so beautiful outside last night, it would have been a perfect night for a swing. Being mid- to late-May, it is usually much warmer, but last night was perfect. I'm hoping for a nice week.

    MUCH quieter at the office. So much so, I get to take Wednesday off. I'm really excited about it. A day in the middle of the week!


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