Monday, May 2, 2016

Mother's Day Tea Dispenser

This is what I made for my Mother-in-Law for Mother's Day next weekend.  I hope she likes it!  I've been wanting to make one of these for a while, then when we got the A Nice Cuppa and Cups & Kettle Framelits, I knew this was the time!

I used Birthday Bouquet Designer Series Papers because I know she loves these colors and the flowers.  

While there are several versions for the patterns for this box, I used the one found on Splitcoast Stampers HERE and then used my own ideas for decorating.  I had to trim a couple of pieces of the DSP, so either I didn't follow the measurements correctly, or there is a small error.  Either way, just be sure to lay out your pieces before you adhere any of them.  The instructions also say to do that, so they are good instructions to follow! 

On the bottom I added another piece of matching DSP with my stamp on the bottom.

Now we just have to fill it will a tea that she likes.  That will be hubby's assignment, figure out what tea goes inside!  

Thank you for stopping by today.  Don't forget Mother's Day is just a few days away!  ~ Donna


  1. It turned out well! Love how you decorated it! Does yours open on the side or just at the top? I have one that I won on a blog several years ago and it opens on the side to get the tea out. She makes patterns and sells them but some where along the line I unscubribed to her blog. Anyway, doesn't matter. She will like this no matter how she gets the tea out of there! It would be fun if there were packets with matching colors but that might be really hard to find. But the Constant Comment looks good in there too. Wouldn't be fun to use the lemon stamps and make one with the lemon tea bags in it and the little tiny cups DP? You did a great job on this and I am sure she will love it! I am going to have to check this out on Splitcoast.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Hi Chris, There is an opening on the bottom front big enough for about 3 teabags to be visible. The top is just for loading the teabags into the box.

      I think it would be fun to make more of them with the cute Have a Cuppa Designer Series Paper.

      I brought it to work today to show off... :) now I have to get it home safely for delivery this weekend.


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