Saturday, July 9, 2016

Thank You For Your Service

With all the protests across the country these last few days and the senseless killing of police officers in Dallas on Thursday, my husband and I wanted to do something nice for any officers we might see in our daily life.  It was actually his idea to pick up some Starbucks Cards, I was so proud of him.  I added the card!  

I figure we could use the cards in whatever way comes up.  If we're at breakfast or lunch and there are officers there, we can pick up the tab and have the waitress give them the card instead of the bill or we could put the coffee card inside and just hand them out as we see an officer out and about.

These eight cards whipped up in about 30 minutes.  They are our notecard sized notes with envelopes and are just very quick and simple.

Whisper White Note Cards (pre-cut and pre-scored!)
Real Red Ink
Night of Navy Ink
Silver Glimmer Paper
Star Punch (retired - but the fastest way to punch stars)

Work of Art
Endless Thanks

Inside is blank so I can write something inside if needed.  I can hardly wait to go out later and put them to use!

Thank you for looking in today.  Please remember to keep the family and friends of all police officers in your prayers.  Especially those who died protecting the citizens of Dallas.

~ Donna

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  1. My son is in law enforcement and I think this is a wonderful gesture. Any time we can show appreciation to others that serve us and keep us safe is such a wonderful thing.
    Thank you,

  2. Your son will be in my prayers to stay safe! I've always enjoyed doing whatever I can to show appreciation to those who serve and protect us. This week's event just seems a good time to step it up.

    Thank your son for us!

  3. Oh wow Donna, this is such a great idea! I actually have all but the "for your service" stamp. I have been meaning to make two cards for the police that helped us when I was locked out of the house earlier this summer. Such a pretty card and easy enough to make. Maybe a huge batch of cookies so all can share might be in order for me. Or a cake even. The card is really special though. Maybe I can make some dog biscuits for those who have dogs since the dispatcher was nice enough to get Ted a bowl of water that day!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I bet they would love a plate of cookies! Probably easier to eat and snack on without having to cut a piece or have a plate.

      You could stamp everything outside and then inside just use your best handwriting and write "for your service". :)


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