Monday, August 22, 2016

I've Got My Eyes On You

Eye, err... I spotted this idea somewhere and simply had to play with it.  Once I found where I tucked away my little googly eyes, I was on a roll!.

I just knew the Sheltering Tree tree would be perfect and I think it turned out pretty well.  I already have a couple more ideas in my head to make this a little differently.

Pumpkin Pie - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Smoky Slate - cut with largest scallop circle (after I stamped the tree)
DSP - Halloween Night 5 1/4" x 2" - (available September 1st)

Sheltering Tree
Glamper Greetings - (available September 1st)
Jar of Haunts - (available September 1st)
Ink: Memento Black

Eyeballs - from your favorite craft outlet. 

Here's a close up so Eye Can See You! 

This week could be hit and miss as far as me posting to my blog.  I'll do the best I can.  Our Primary Election is August 30th and working for the County Elections Department, I'll have a couple of busy weeks.  Keep checking in though... I love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave a comment for me!

Thank you for looking in today.  


  1. The eyes have it for spooky fun! I had to smile as I just ran across my googly eyes the other day and thought now where should they go for when I need them like for Halloween. This is just fun. I can say bats are fun this year since we didn't have any in the house (Yet! & fingers crossed we don't get any) on the paper. A little of spooky fun!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris. I just knew you would like this one! Now you know what to do with your extra eyes!

      Ewww... bats in your house? No good! That would scare me half to death. I don't mind them outside, but inside, no way! :) That's enough spooky right there!

  2. When we had Murphy my big guy 130 lbs give or take 20 - he would be outside at night before going to bed. If it was nice he would dilly dally around or just even sit down watching the fireflies. Well, after awhile I would have to tell him he had better come in before the bats got him. He would look upwards and lower his head and quickly come inside! He didn't like them inside and I was always worried he would get bit by one or something so there was always commotion for Mike to get it out of the house! Not fun to be in bed and think there is something else in the room with you and then you would see one fly by!


  3. That's a smart dog to know what you were saying about the bats! Funny that he would look up and then duck! Too cute.

  4. Murphy had his own ice cream lady - did I tell you about that? He was such a sweet dog. He had lupus and massive allergies. Mike gave him allergy shots after we had him tested. He was a lab mix.


    1. His own ice cream lady. Well, he knew what was good in life for sure! Labs are awesome dogs, so loyal and loving.


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