Sunday, September 11, 2016

Spooky Treat

Okay, so Candy Corn isn't spooky, but it is a treat and we can just pretend it's spooky, right?

To some people, I suppose it is spooky, if they don't like it or.... if you recall this cartoon, it could really make you NOT want Candy Corn!  Ewwwww!

Let's quickly get that image out of our mind and look at today's card!  I was actually looking for a way to use up some of the bits and pieces of scrap that I have from making previous cards.

Pumpkin Pie - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Halloween Night Designer Series Paper - 5 1/4" wide (or long) x whatever scraps you use.
Whisper White for stamping the jar and candy corn
Smoky Slate - 5" x 3 3/4" (again, pieces I had previous cut from Saturday's workshop)

Halloween Night Bakers Twine to go around the jar top.

Thank you for looking in today - have a Blessed Sunday ~ Donna

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1 comment:

  1. I have never seen that cartoon! I love the card and I love candy corn. They have some new really good flavors this year! Sweet!

    Chris R. from Iowa


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