Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful for Thanksgiving

The Buttermilk Pie is baked and cooling and by the time you read this we'll be enjoying our traditional Breakfast Quiche, unless I sleep in... then Turkey Lurkey will be prepped for the roasting bag and into the roasting oven it goes!  Can't wait for that glorious fragrance through the house.

Do you have any favorite family traditions?  I'd love to hear about them.

For today's posts I thought I'd pull up some of my past Thank You cards and one Thanksgiving Card from last year, that I just love.  I obviously didn't do any Thanksgiving Cards this year with the long hours at the office these last two months.  

To see the original post on each of these, click the title below each picture.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too! I have not have a buttermilk pie in ages! Mike is smoking the turkey breast outside in the smoker and we will eat later today. I need to make the sides in a bit. Mike's dad and his wife went to one of her daughter's houses today so we will probably meet over the weekend. I love this little turkey card. I always smile with the Chic-filet (spelling) ads with the cow and it's sign to eat more chicken.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. One of these days I will get Mark to smoke the turkey. Now that the weather is nice here, would be a good time for him to work on it! We have a smoker, but just need to work with it more. Pass on any tips!

      I love those Chik-fil-A cows too! Just adorable! They always make me laugh.

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your family as well.


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