Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fa-la-la-la-la Surprise!

I received the sweetest and cutest gift today in the mail from my friend Chris from Iowa.  You may know that name if you read any of the comments on my blog (and on lots of other great bloggers!) as Chris regularly leaves sweet comments on my blog.

Recognize the box?  Did you know when you turn the Paper Pumpkin box inside out, it makes a PERFECT little mailing box that you can decorate on the inside and easily address on the outside?  Each Paper Pumpkin even comes with some pretty blue tissue paper that can be re-used as well.  

Look at all the great things Chris put in this box!  A cocoa packet (funny thing, I made some of these today from our bags, I'll post them tomorrow).  Two great little treat holders with chocolate.  One of the chocolates even comes from the little town she lives in.  Yum!!

Then, check out the great little hand sanitizer she found at Bath and Body Works.  Can you believe it??  Fa-La-La-La Llama!!!  This perfectly matches our Fa-la-la-la Friends from the Holiday Catalog.  Isn't that the greatest?

I LOVE IT!!  I really need to get out the B&BW more often!

Then of course there is a great card she made from Cookie Cutter Christmas and the Warmth and Cheer Designer Series Paper Stack.  How quick and easy is this?  If you peek inside, you can see there's even a strip of the same Designer Paper.  

Thank you Chris!  You totally made my day!



  1. Oh how silly of me! I looked straight at the hot chocolate holder and thought darn, someone made the exact copy of mine including the striped paper which I wasn't sure if it looked good on there or not! Them, duh, the light bulb went off it was my package to you!!!! Honest!

    I just couldn't believe they had the llama hand sanitizer. I had visited their web site as they didn't have the holiday ones in yet when I was at the store. So, I just had to get the Fa-la-la-LLama set to go with! Then seeing Mrs. Rietveld's llamas romping with a big pink beach ball the same weekend as seeing the sanitizers I figured it was meant to be! Their fur is sort of shaggy due to our hot and color weather so trying to color them was a bit hard. She has white and brown ones. Anyway, I made your day and that was what my goal was!

    Happy Holidays my friend!!!!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. LOL Chris! I've done the same thing, made something and then saw it later on Pinterest or somewhere and think, hey someone cased me and didn't give credit. I'm so glad I'm not alone! So funny!!!

      LOVE the Fa-la-la-la-la Llama sanitizer. Brought them all to work today to show them off in person. So much better than online!

      Merry Christmas!


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