Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Swiss Miss Cocoa Packs

Here are some of the Swiss Miss Cocoa Packets I made up for some of those last minute gifts.  Simply slide a gift card inside the flap where the candy canes are and you're done!

These are so simple to make.  On the front of the Kraft Tag a  Bag Gift Bags, stamp your greeting.  For this one I used Merry Christmas from Star of Light (Holiday Mini).

Fold the bottom of the bag up 2 1/2" from the bottom.  Using Tombo Liquid Glue (I think this holds the best), place a line of glue ONLY on the sides, leaving the top open so you can put the gift card and candy canes inside.

The base of Chocolate Chip or Early Espresso is 4 1/2" x 2 3/8".  The strips of Candy Cane Lane are 2- at 4 3/8" x 1/2" and 1 of 4 3/8" x 1"

Wrap some 5/8" Organza Ribbon around the center.  You can either wrap it around the whole thing so you can see it on the back or you can just wrap it around the flap before adhering to the top of the bag.

So easy!  Keep in mind, all you have to do is change the colors and papers with the seasons.  This will look great with Valentine paper in February (pretty papers available starting January 4th in the Occasions Mini).

If you don't have a Demonstrator, please let me know and I'll be happy to send you the upcoming Occasions and Sale-a-Bration catalogs.

Thank you for checking in today!

Happy Thursday!


  1. This is cute! I gotta get some more of those bags - they come in so handy. I like how you did the Merry Christmas on there. Festive!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. The bags really are handy! So many things can be done with them and they are perfect for a quick gift card holder or gift bag.


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