Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Heartfelt Sympathy

Sadly two friends of mine had family members pass away this weekend.  Never an easy thing to deal with, even harder over a holiday weekend I think as every year at the holiday it will be foremost in their minds.


I made two similar cards.  Really, the only difference is where the sentiment is placed.  I love the bow, but now I'm worried about mailing that lump!  Oh well, it will be fine, just smooshed.

Night of Navy - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Floral Boutique DSP - 5 3/8" x 4 1/8"
Night of Navy - 3 1/8 x 2 5/8"
Whisper White - 3 1/4 x  2 3/4"

Stamp Set - Heartfelt Sympathy
Night of Navy Ink

Thank you for looking in today.  Tonight is our Team Meeting, so watch for my swap card in tomorrow's post!

~ Hugs, Donna


  1. Beautiful cards. I am taking the card for Mike's cousins so I can do a nice bow on them. I didn't ask Mike if he bought cards or did he want me to make them. I just handled it and if he did do the Hallmark route, well they will have that many more cards to honor their mother with. Memorial Day weekend is a difficult time as my mom died during the Memorial Day weekend.

    On a lighter side, Teddy turned 3 today. Maybe a trip to the new dog bakery will be in store for a little birthday treat.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. I'm so sorry this is a tough time for you. Holidays can be so much harder if they are a time when we've lost a loved one.

      Well Teddy, HAPPY Birthday to you! Tell Mom to get you an extra special dog treat from the bakery for your special day. Hey, in dog years, he's drinking age, take him out for a doggie brew! LOL

      Speaking of birthdays, thank you for my birthday card. I just knew there would be an adorable moose inside!

  2. He did get a fun biscuit that is like a big sugar cookie with sprinkles on it and says happy birthday on it. We didn't get back from the funeral home until like 9:00 last night and then the funeral was this morning. So, once we got home today I gave him part of it and he can have part tomorrow. I don't want to upset his tummy too much. Thank goodness the boy doesn't want to get in the car for me so I don't have to worry about him driving! He can stick to his water or maybe an occasional lick out of our glasses of ice tea or pop when we aren't looking. I know he has done that to Mike's!

    So hard for me to break the moose habit now. Maybe he will have to be joined by a little piggy too. I wish they had not retired him as I like him a lot better than the deer in the cookie cutter set.


  3. This card is gorgeous! Just had to let you know <3

    1. Thank you Danita! So nice to see you visiting! Love you bunches!


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