Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Swap Card May 2017

This was my swap card for our Team Meeting for May.  (I won!)  I found the idea for this card on Beth's Paper Cuts and modified it to make nine cards and have enough DSP for them all.  The paper on the front started out as 6 x 6 but I knew I needed to make nine cards and couldn't use a whole piece of paper and have enough for matching cards.

I cut the 6 x 6 into 6 x 3 and then took 3/8" inch off the top and the bottom so the sections would be more equal.

Basic Black - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Whisper White 5 1/4" x 4"
Color Therapy DSP Stack 6" x 3" (then cut 3/8" off the top and bottom to make even as possible)

Inside:  Whisper White - 7" x 5", scored at 3 3/4"
Strip of DSP 5" x 3/4" (times two)

Stamps:  Crafting Forever (available June 1st)

Make a template of what your dolls will look like.  I simply free handed one on the edge of a piece of cardstock so it would be easy to trace around after it was cut.  

To make the paper dolls inside, take a 6" x 4" piece of DSP and with the 6" side at the top, score every inch.  Then accordion fold on the lines.  Lay your template on the folded paper with the three folds to the left, trace around your template and then fussy cut the dolls out.

Pull them apart gently and they should look like the do in the picture above.  Place the center fold of the middle doll in the crease of your card (DO NOT ATTACH THERE) and then stretch the other two out just a tad.  Use a mini glue dot to glue down the hands, one at a time.  The center doll should be loose and floating in the middle.

Fold your card together to make sure they are all folded together.  Beth has a video on her blog and in the link at the top paragraph if you need to see what I'm saying.

Thank you for looking in today!  Have a Happy Hump Day!

~ Donna


  1. Oh my, this is just too much fun! I thought it was 2 whole different cards as I was really enjoying the front and then all of sudden you are talking paper dolls. I know I have been a bit distracted this week so didn't think too much about it. So, I reread it and smiled, DUH I GET and boy, what fun! I had not seen Beth's blog yet as I am behind as usual. I love the stripes on the inside with the little paper dolls. What memories they bring back! Love this whole card and it couldn't be any more fun than this! Just a cut above!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. It appears I'm behind as well as I didn't see this message from you to post back to you. I was so thrilled to get first place. Its been a while, the other girls have really stepped up their game!


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