Friday, June 2, 2017

Catalog Casing Time

I always like to start out the new catalog year with a Case the Catalog Card.  This is the one I decided to case this year.  I just love this Moose or Deer, he's just cute!  The card the the catalog is on page 98 and appears to be a square card, so I made mine a standard card, I just prefer them more.

Sahara Sand - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Whisper White - 3 3/4" x 3 3/4"
Pick a Pattern Designer Series Paper (DSP) - scraps used, and layered.
Stamps - Here for You 
Ink - Crushed Curry

For my 2nd card, I decided to add the Bear from the same DSP.  He looks so sad, like he really wished he had something good to say.

Happy Friday!  Thank you for looking in today.  Have a wonderful weekend!

~ Donna


  1. The bear does look a little sad or maybe just bewildered? Poor little guy. Cute cards. I really like the Crushed Curry ink!

    How is the kitty doing. My friend has a male cat and is at the vet getting fluids etc too. He won't eat and his levels are wacky. He has been throwing up a lot too.

    Maybe there is a kitty flu bug out there. I heard on the news but didn't see the segment about dog flu.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris! I like the Crushed Curry also. It's dark enough to read when stamped, but not too dark to be mustardy.

      I'm sorry to hear about your friends cat. If he's throwing up and has the same kidney failure numbers that Suzi has, then it probably isn't good. Be prepared. Suzi is totally normal except she won't eat enough to gain any weight back and she's getting way too skinny for me. She's snuggling with my hubby at night though and that's been hard on me, but he's very warm and I guess she likes that.

      I wish it was a flu, at least that would go away. I love her so much and I just want her to last forever. Ya know? :)


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