Wednesday, November 29, 2017

2018 Occasions and Sale-a-bration Catalogs Coming Soon!

Are you On My Mailing List?

It is time for me to finalize my list of customers to whom I will be mailing the new Occasions Catalog and Sale-a-bration Brochure.  If you are a regular customer, you will be receiving one from me automatically.  

If you aren't a current customer or on my mailing list and would like to receive these upcoming catalogs, please email me at and I will be sure you are on that list!  Keep in mind, if you already have a Demonstrator, please be sure to ask them for your copies.  I would never want to snag someone away from another Demo.

Would you like to order in December instead of waiting until January!?

Join my Team and you can order from the Occasions catalog, with your 20% discount and begin to earn FREE Sale-a-Bration items starting on December 1st!
Click HERE to Join and find out more information.  You will be able to choose $125 worth of  ANY product in the current catalogs for only $99.00 and better yet... SHIPPING is FREE for your Starter Kit!
Thank you for stopping in today!

It's Hump Day!!
~ Donna

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