Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Santa's All Wrapped Up!

Today's post will be very quick and easy.  It actually goes with yesterday's post.  A friend asked for some Santa Holiday Cards and only needed about six of them.  Six, with envelopes, fits very nicely in the Acetate Card Box - item #144628 in the Holiday Catalog.   I sure hope these carry over into next year!

I added a piece of Be Merry Designer Series Paper for inside the back of the box.  The front is left open so the card can be seen.  I cut this to 5 5/8" x 4 3/8", just slightly bigger than the standard card size.

Then I wrapped a piece of Real Red Mini Tinsel Trim.  It comes in a combo pack with Silver Trim.  Item #144636 in the Holiday Catalog.

These make great gift boxes for giving cards as a small gift.

Thank you for looking in today.  This is my first day back at work since last Tuesday having spent the last week down with a cold, cough and pure misery.  I feel nearly human again, so going to give it a try at the office.  Wish me luck!  They hear me coughing and it may scare them... LOL

~ Donna


  1. Oh no, you were sick for Thanksgiving? Hopefully, it struck after it as you were all set to bake on Wednesday.

    Cute gift idea and she will love the cards. Are they all the same or the ones you have been showing us? Either way, what a fun gift. The presentation is really fun too. Of course I would want the one with the operational flap on his little "union suit" but then I would have to limit who I would give it to. But, I do have a plumber friend who would get a big kick out of it!

    Hoping you feel good enough to make it through the day and maybe give all your cold germs to someone else!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. The cards are all the same. I had planned on making a variety, but that was before I got sick. She'll like them the same as she won't be sending them to all the same people in a family or household.

      I got sick on Wednesday after all the baking and last minute grocery shopping. Sore throat, stuffy head, then the cough which I still have.

      Hubby thought the "union suit" card would be good to make into a Plumber's Card... OMG, I just thought of a guy in Texas that needs this card. He's such a comedian he'll LOVE it!


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