Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends.  I thought I would share some past Thanksgiving Cards with you.  Click on the titles to see the cards when they were first posted.

Have a safe and fun Thanksgiving!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the parade of cards! Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving holiday. Mike smoked a turkey breast and we ate it about an hour ago. Just the two of us but that is fine. My step mother-in-law has 4 daughters who live fairly close so we let them all be together. It works out for us better and much quieter on our part! We may get with them over the weekend if they don't go to her one daughter's house over by Chicago. Did everyone come to your house? I know you had yesterday off to bake.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    P.S. I am thankful for many things including our friendship!


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