Friday, January 26, 2018

Anniversary Slider

Just a few more days to use the January Host Code and receive a free gift of Whisper White 1/4" Organza Ribbon from me.  Purchase $50.00 (before shipping and tax) and I'll send you a free roll of ribbon.  PLUS since it's Sale-a-bration time, you can select free gifts from the Sale-a-bration catalog as well.

I was on a roll making the slider cards the other night, until I ran out of foam strips.  Ordered more today so I'll be ready next week when they arrive!

Here is another card I made for my hubby for our Anniversary.  He loved it!  

While I can't get the video to work on the blog, it does work on my Stamps Well With Others facebook page.  You can see the birthday slider there.  To see measurements for the Slider Card - check HERE.

This is short today, mostly because my head wants to go to bed.  Come back tomorrow for more!

Thank you for checking in!  happy FRIDAY!

~ Donna


  1. Fun card. I haven't made a slider for a couple of years. You are on a roll! You knew I had to say that!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. LOL - yes, I'm on a roll... but I'm on hold until my shipment of foam strips arrive! I've made some sliders in the past, but this is so much easier now with the barn door framelit. I love it!


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