Friday, January 5, 2018

Barn Door Blessings

Tomorrow will be a big day around here.  My oldest son will be getting married to my future daughter (-in-law) on Saturday, January 6, 2018.  They will be getting married at their home in their back yard.  The weather looks to be beautiful with the high for the day of 76 and a low of 50.  Should be perfect!

So, in their home, they have a sliding door going from the kitchen into a little family room.  So, when I saw this stamp set come out, it was the first thing I had to purchase!

So Saffron - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
So Saffron - 5 1/4" x 4"
Crumb Cake - for barn door
Basic Black - for hardware

Stamps:  Barn Door Bundle, Bloomin' Love and Floral Phrases
Ink:  Soft Suede

Inside I used  Floral Phrases for the sentiments.

HERE is the trick to this card.  You must have these little flat washers.  When you go to the hardware store (I recommend ACE Hardware - so much easier to get in and out) ask for - or - look for Size #6.  They work perfectly.

Since this card requires some specific directions, I'm going to suggest you watch the Stampin' Up! video from Stampin' Up specifically.  If you are reading this from an email, it could be the video won't be visible, so be sure to go directly to my blog or to this link on YouTube.

Barn Door Bundle

Thank you for looking in today.  Tonight is the Rehearsal Dinner, so there may or may not be a card posted for Saturday morning, but I hope to.  If not, there may be pictures from the rehearsal.

~ Donna

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a fun and great card for them. Totally different in the realm of wedding cards. I love that you used it and they will adore it and cherish it for ever! What a great idea! The so saffron color is so pretty with this as well. Plus the brick EF is the best! I had not seen the video yet and that was a great treat also. The washer idea is a lot easier than using pennies if you ask me. I had not even considered this bundle except to use it with a pig but now my brain is a buzzing like a good little busy bee! What a great card Donna and so well done with the details.

    Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thank you Chris. I was just so excited to see the stamp set right after finding out they had one of those sliding doors. I can't wait to hear what they think of the card. They probably haven't had time yet to look, unless they open things tomorrow (Sunday). Monday they leave for Hawaii! Nice!

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