Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Knot is Tied

Saturday night was filled with love, laughter and a few tears as my son Billy and his sweetheart Danielle, became husband and wife.  It was a beautiful late afternoon / evening for a wedding in Phoenix, AZ.  The weather was perfect, a few high clouds that helped keep in the warmth of the day and a gorgeous sky for the evening.

Check out how they were prepared for the evening coolness and possible flying critters.  If you click on the picture, it should open in another tab so you can see better.  The little box on top has bug repellant and the sign says "be smitten, not bitten" and below in the bigger boxes were snuggly blankets "to have and to hold in case you get cold".  Is that amazingly clever?  I loved it

Just before their ceremony began.  One of Billy's friends is Ordained and performed the ceremony.  Remember I said at the beginning, there were tears?  Well, he puddled up a couple of times.  It was very endearing!

The Best Man, standing behind Billy is my other son, Robert.  It was so nice to see them both dressed up and looking extremely handsome! (just ignore the cameraman... lol)

The Arbor was made by Billy and his Dad.  They did an amazing job on it.  It looked so nice.

At the rehearsal dinner the night before, we were presented with little surprises.  I just love mine!  Mother of the Groom!  They even honored the step-parents, which I thought was really nice.

The kids asked me to make some reserved seat signs for the wedding party and family to hold their seats.  Here is what I came up with.  The font I pulled from the internet and printed them out on Crumb Cake.  Then I cut them into the sizes you see below and then inked them with our Woodgrain background stamp.

After they were finished I decided they needed to be personalized so added their initials on one side, the date on the other, then on the bottom White Wedding, 2018.  They loved them when I showed them to them on Friday.

I also made signs for the family tables.  I only have one to show which was mine but there was also one for White and Davis.

These kids are Koozie Crazy... lol.  They had these set out today for the guests near where the bottled water, beer and soda's were.  There were plenty left, so I snagged a couple for us as well.  Mom deserves it, right?  

Lastly, there was one of these at each place setting.  I didn't make these, but I could have.  I love the wood grain top they had.  While I could have made them, I would have needed at least 120 of them, so I have to admit, it's good I didn't need to make them.  They came out really great though, I think.

Thank you for looking in today and thank you for listening to his proud mama show off her boys and now my new daughter-in-law!

Have a Blessed Sunday!

~ Donna


  1. I can't believe you have all this on your blog already! Love all the fun touches from smitten/bitten bugs to the blankets and the koozies. It looks like you had a great day for a wedding with good weather as well. So pretty.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Well, it was a little hard to unwind last night when we got home and I just had to do a post and look at all the pictures I had. Can't wait for the professional pictures to arrive!

      They just did an amazing job with everything. A party planner couldn't have done any better, I'm sure of it!

  2. Congratulations - what a beautiful wedding and setting with all the flower petals and beautiful yard. Handsome young couple! GlendaJ

    1. Thank you Glenda. It was so beautiful and I'm so proud of them both. Now... on to grandchildren! LOL


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