Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Missing in Action

Missing in Action here.  It will probably be a couple of more days before I post again, simply because life has gotten in the way.  On Monday night, my boys lost their father to cancer.

Don't give up on me though.  I'll be back after a little break with some fun new cards.

Remember, today is the last day to order with the January Host Code.  Watch for your gifts to arrive in the mail if you made a qualifying order.  See side margin on the blog for the current host code.  >>

I'll be posting a new February Host Code on February 1st!

In the meantime... here are a couple of pictures of my oldest son's wedding.  I love the look on their faces!  If you click on the picture, it should open in a new window and be bigger.

Mr. & Mrs. William A. White, II

Robert, Me, Billy
(My pride and joy!)

Will (the boys' Dad), Robert, Billy and Me.

Thank you for looking in.  I'll be back in a day or two.

~ Donna


  1. My heart aches for you, Donna. It's so hard to lose a parent - God will be near and dear to your family's broken hearts as well. I'm so so sorry to hear this news. Extra hugs to you and your boys. Love you!!!!

    1. Thank you Lorri! Love you too for caring. Each day is a little easier.


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