Monday, January 29, 2018

Swap Card from Jennie

This is so lovely.  This is a swap from our Team Regional Meeting we had last weekend.  Jennie P. is the creator of this beautiful card.  I'm so glad she was in my swap group so I received one.

The stamp used is one of the Free Stamps from Sale-a-bration.  With every $50 spent (before tax and shipping), you can select a free item from the Sale-a-bration brochure.  Additionally, with that same $50.00 if you use the hostess code for January (before January 31st) you will also receive a free roll of Whisper White 1/4" Organza Ribbon directly from me.

Thank you for looking in today.  It's Monday, so here we go again!  Back to the office grind and then home to relax and hopefully stamp!

~ Donna


  1. Really pretty! I have not used mine yet but I did use the stamp at a retreat on Saturday. I thought it would not be as nice as it. I was pleasantly surprised. The woman using it before me had pushed so hard on the ink pad she had the wood block saturated with ink as well as her fingers and the card. Thank goodness for two sides to stamp on as the first one was still too heavily inked so we went and washed it off. She did the same to all the stamps and she insisted on being my stamping buddy. So, if I didn't get to stamp first I had to clean them off first.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Oh yes, the smooshy stampers that insist on getting everything inky. Including their fingers, arms and elbows! I'm always careful to look at the stamp before using it when I'm in those group settings. There's always a mess waiting to happen for sure!

      I really do like that stamp. Like you, I didn't think I would, but it is really lovely.


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