Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My February Swap Card

Just quickly as it is late (Monday night) and I have a big day at the office tomorrow.

Here is the card front I made for our Team Swap this month.  I'll be sharing swaps from others as well.

Whisper White Thick Cardstock - 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Bermuda Bay - 5" x 3 3/4"
DSP - Picture Perfect Party (I think... I cut the paper over a week ago!) 3" x 3"
Soft Sky - 4" x 2 3/4"
Smoky Slate - Roller Coaster
Whisper White - for Pacific Point and Real Red Coaster Cars and Daffodil Delight Sun.

Okay... off to bed for this sleepy girl.

Thank you for looking in today!

~ Donna Product List


  1. Cute. I thought they should have people's heads and/or upper body to put in the cars rather than just empty cars. I guess that is just my opinion. Otherwise, I am not sure what I think of this set. I like the colors and the DSP you used.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. LOL on heads. There are little presents that fit perfectly. I should have added some of those.


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