Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Team Swap Shares - We Must Celebrate!

Sharing the swap card of my fearless leader, Lorri Heiling, from our weSTAMP Team Meeting Monday night.  I think this is just adorable and wouldn't it make a sweet baby card too, just change the sentiment on the tag!  Blue or Pink!

I'm going to guess at the measurements, since I left it at the office with the other swaps to show off to my work stampers.

Whisper White Thick Cardstock - 8 1/2" x5 1/2", scored and folded at 4 1/4"
Powder Pink (I think) - 5 1/4" x 4 - scored with Simple Stripes Textured Impressions Embossing Folder
Whisper White Tag  - with Scalloped Tag Topper and Banner Triple Punches and a Circle Punch.

The cute little bunny comes from the 2018 Occasions Catalog called We Must Celebrate.

Ribbon - 1/2" Finely Woven Ribbon in Powder Pink (that's why I think the Paper is Powder Pink!)

Awesome Job Boss!  I think I'll be making these for sure!

Thank you for looking in today.  Heading to bed (early for me) after a long election day in Maricopa County.  It was a slow day, those can be worse than the long hard ones sometimes!

Happy Hump Day!
~ Donna

Oh... and it's RAINING (Tuesday Night) I'm loving the sound of the rain falling!  


  1. Very cute no matter who made it! Or, even a little ones birthday maybe? I love seeing swap cards! Glad you could go to sleep early from the election process. Looking forward to seeing more swaps!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. We have a talented group of people on our team, that's for sure! I'll be sharing more of them, so stay tuned!


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