Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ghirardelli Apron of Love Tutorial

I promised instructions on making this cute apron, filled with chocolate!  

Begin with two pieces of cardstock - your choice of color, of course.  Could even be some pretty Designer Series Paper.  

5 1/4" x 3 1/2" - Stamp the Apron twice 
4 1/2" x 3 3/4" - score 1 1/4" on all four sides
Cut where shown

Fold on all the score lines using a bone folder for a nice crisp fold.

The large piece goes up first and then the two sides.  Normally we would do this the opposite, but the outside will be covered with the apron, so putting the large size inside keeps the inside looking nice.

I recommend using Tear and Tape or Multipurpose Glue for a nice strong hold.

To get a nice clean stamp and cut, lay your stamp onto your block first, letting it fall onto the block naturally as possible (to keep its' shape).

Then, lay your die over the stamp to make sure the lines of the stamp are within the edges of the die cut lines.

Here is where you want to put as much space between the stamps, so you can cut the neck straps as well.  You'll need two.

Again, use a strong adhesive to put the apron onto the outside of your box.

Seems I forgot to take a picture of the apron piece - I started with a piece of Whisper White cardstock 2" x 2" because I had cut them for a workshop.  If you're just making one at home, just use whatever pieces of scraps you may have.

To place the utensils into the pocket, use a piece of Tear and Tape on the back side of the pocket, then place the utensils down and then you can glue or tape the pocket to the apron.

All the pieces (except for the box):

This will hold 4 of the Ghirardelli Squares.  Perfect little box of tasty!

Thank you for looking in today.   Have a great week!

~ Donna

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  1. Oh thank you for the instructions and the great tutorial photos! I think I can do this once I get the bundle. I think this would be so cute in a checkered pattern. This is so fun and just plain adorable. I have a brand new bottle of Tombow too. I love the little utensils!

    I remember our first project in jr high home ec was an apron. Mom was the seam squirrel as dad called her but my apron held together but I was the one who embroidered a pretty orange and yellow with a black butterfly on each pocket. My apron was green check while everyone else had pink or blue. One would think I would have received extra credit for my handiwork but she said I should have spent more time working on straight seams. A couple of the other girls put some rick rack or something on theirs otherwise they left them plain.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Did the entire country do the same gingham apron??? We did ours in 7th Grade Home Ec. Mine was purple Gingham and I still have it! Four pockets across the front with a matching drawstring that went through a top pocket at the waist.

      We need checkered/ gingham stamps and paper for sure!!

  2. I think that is exactly how they were made! It was 7th grade too I think. I saw mine at mom and dad's before they died but not sure where it went after that. How funny!


    1. I'll try to remember to take a picture for you! I looked online, but didn't see any like it. I did see a lot of gingham though as I searched "jr. high apron projects" LOL


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