Sunday, March 11, 2018

Kathy's Workshop Projects

I finally remembered to take pictures with my camera at Saturday's workshop.  It is so much easier to post pictures from the camera than from my phone.

Here are the project the girls made today.  I'll share full details on the apron tomorrow when I have time to make one with photos.

The cards you've seen HERE.  I love how everyone chose a different color to use on their flowers.

The little apron boxes hold 4 of the Ghirardelli Squares.  These were a big hit and I think everyone was thinking about how to make them for other holidays, particularly Christmas.  I sure hope this sticks around in the next catalog.  It's just too cute to let them go!

Have a Blessed Sunday!

~ Donna


  1. I love the projects! Fun to see the different colors on the flowers too. Oh and that apron is so fun, I have not purchased that set yet but I will as this is totally something I would make! Love it! Looks like you had a good time! Thanks for sharing.

    Chris R. from Iowa

    1. Thanks Chris! It was great to see everyone trying a different color and they all came out great!

      I know I'll be making more of those aprons. They were so much fun and I have a LOT of candy left that needs to get USED. LOL


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