Friday, February 15, 2019

New Birthday in a Bag

This will just be a quick post so you can see what will be coming with instructions later in the day.  Right now I'm working from the laptop and keeping an eye on Nike after his surgery today.  The laptop and I don't get along well with moving pictures around, so this will just be a sneak peek.

Two birthdays at work this week and I wanted to celebrate them with these fun bags.  You'll remember the other one I did for my Aunt a couple of weeks ago - see it here - but I wanted something a little bigger that would hold the items without squishing them.  So I went in search of another style and this is what I found.

Come back twice on Friday to see the details.  I'm going to get some sleep for when Nike wakes up and needs to go out.

Happy Friday!  I'll be home with our little furry patient.

~ Donna


  1. Cute projects. I am assuming the surgery went well. Hoping and praying for a speedy and full recovery. Speaking of going out, Teddy is clamoring he wants to go out.....I swear he can read now and read about when Nike wakes up and needs to go out!

    Chris from Pella

    1. Nike seems to be doing pretty good today. Yesterday he was just totally zoned out. Today he's eating and even went tinkle when I took him outside. He and Hubby are taking a nap now.


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